Friday, May 8, 2009

Big Boy Steps

I have to apologize for my delay in postings. I have been a little under the weather due to a recent battle with mastitis and the mastitis proved to be the stronger opponent. After two rounds of antibiotics and several spiked fevers, I was admitted into the hospital because my body does not have the ability to fight an infection due to a low immune system- due to stress. Oddly enough my stay was in labor and delivery! I have to say this is not a place that I planned on visiting anytime soon. I knew every nurse and care partner who entered my room. I even had the chance to say “you had difficulty starting the IV last time I was here.” Hopefully I won’t become a regular there!

Now to the Star of this blog: Greyson weighs 3 pounds! He actually weighed 3 pounds 1 ounce when Matthew and I left the hospital tonight. He is so precious. 3 pounds is still very small but it’s a very large number to us!

And here’s the big news… Greyson is scheduled to be extubated tomorrow morning!! We will have our first run with CPAP. So, Grey’s ditched the ear muffs for a much fancier face mask device. CPAP has been proven to be very successful among preemies. Some of you pesky snorers may also be familiar with a CPAP mask. CPAP is used for the treatment of sleep apnea.
I have to admit that I’m already worried that Greyson is going to dislike this hat/mask device. The removal of this device will not be as easy as flinging an earmuff.

So if Greyson tolerates this new device and chills out then we can start some much needed kangaroo care! My aching arms will finally feel relief. Moreover, we will start some skin to skin contact. Matthew and I will be allowed to cuddle with Grey on our chest. The warmth of our bodies will allow him a trip outside his incubator.


wehdostables said...

Praying that all goes well with extubation and cpap.. We first held Mary Farris at 54 days still on the vent. It is an awesome feeling.. Looking forward to seeing pics! WOW 3lbs!!!

muggins mouse said...

WOW kiley - this is a lot of news!!!

1) Hope you are OK!! That is crazy!! You poor thing!!

2) Great news about possibly holding your lovely bundle of joy soon!!

Let us know if you need ANYTHING!

miss you!

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