Sunday, March 14, 2010


We had our final eye appointment last week. Final to me means that we have no future appointments with the eye doctor! Although Grey is at high risk for vision complications his eyes look great at this time! Our ophthalmologist mentioned that he has been involved in a study that monitors prematurity and vision complications. He let me know that if a 25 weeker can make it to this stage without complications his eyes are equivalent to a full term baby.

Our next appointment is a hearing screen. Then we have our one-year visit with the preemie follow-up clinic.

Grey is now saying “momma, go go, and duck” He is 12 months old this March and still no teeth. Which is fine with me. He is a happy boy!

1 comment:

MoDLin said...

What great news about Grey's eyes! He is doing so well. I'm hoping to read equally good news about the hearing screen, too. Go go, Grey!

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