As I unpack a box and start sifting through items, Grey is right behind me re-loading the box. My counterproductive partner is amusing to watch. I’m positive he loves moving… a true meddler’s dream. Millions of boxes and items to meddle through daily! He absolutely loves dusting. He’s been running around for 10 days with a pledge hand duster. Seriously, I bought him a childrens Hoover vacuum and all he needed was a $3 hand duster to make him happy. I appreciate the help and I’m relieved he finds enjoyment in the mayhem.
So I have a new focus… our terrible, horrible, no good, very bad food system. Recently I’ve read very distributing statistics like 1 out of 3 children born in 2010 will have type 2 diabetes. Working 40 plus hours a week along with an exhausting commute doesn’t leave a lot of time for me to obsess about this topic but I am very concerned for my family. I also read recently that the FDA is considering passing genetically engineered salmon into our food system… say what? I don’t want to eat the genetically engineered salmon! I’m already consuming the creepy hormone, antibiotic rich chicken that’s doing who knows what to my body. Anyway- this is just a rant. I’m desperately seeking a stronger connection with our local farmers that produce sustainable foods. However, I’ve been learning that this process isn’t so easy. More to come on this topic for sure…
Welcome to our Home: notice "toot toot" in the lower right hand corner of the glass door :)
Our Blue Foyer. We’ve had a lot of discussions about this color blue. The color makes Uncle Pete think of water, it reminds Matthew and I of Seaside, one of our favorite vacation spots. Furthermore, we made the decision to not change our blue- we had originally doubted our paint selection.
The Baby Gate: Uncle Pete made us this awesome custom baby gate. He's very talented and we've been holding him hostage at our house for several weeks- this is not a joke.
Pumpkin Puffs: I took a moment out of our busy schedules to make pumpkin puffs! Fall is my favorite season and I love pumpkin.